Since you’ve landed here looking for the best blogging sites in India, I am guessing you already know what is a blog and how it actually works.
But as a newbie, you might be wondering which platform is best for you and how it can meet your needs.
If that is the case then, you’ve landed at the right place.
There are too many blogging platforms out there. And almost all are accessible from anywhere in the world; let alone India. And I know for a starter it is going to be very confusing while picking the right one.
So, I won’t confuse you anymore by covering all the platforms I know of. Instead, I will just show you the best ones where you can start your blog for free.
In this guide, I will show you how to pick the right platform and how to create a blog using 6 of the top free blogging platforms.
The best thing about the discussed platforms is, they all have a mobile app, which means you can blog anytime from anywhere using your smartphone only.
The Best Blogging Platforms in India.
A Free blogging platform is best for you – if you haven’t yet figured out your niche. If you’re not sure whether your blog topic will work or not. Or if you just want to do a trial run of your ideas before spending any of your hard-earned money.
Whatever the reason might be, I have got your back.
Although, if you’re confident about your writing and the niche that you’ve picked; I would recommend you to go for a Paid self-hosted WordPress blog. Of course, only if you can afford. Also, if you’re serious about it and see it as a long term thing.
Why am I emphasizing more on a Self-hosted blog? because let’s say, you started a blog on And after a year you realized you want to switch to a paid option; since it is almost impossible to scale a blog on a free platform, sooner or later you will have to move to a paid option.
So, now, migrating your free blog to a paid self-hosted site could be hectic for a newbie.
Firstly, you won’t be able to migrate it as it is; that means you will have to redesign your blog.
Secondly, you’ll have to transfer the existing content to your new blog and also might need to take care of SEO again.
Thirdly, if you don’t know how to redesign your blog or transfer your content to the new platform you’ll end up hiring someone to do it for you and that will eventually cost you some extra money.
However, by that time you might have enough money compared to your current situation that you won’t mind hiring someone. But it is still going to be a big headache according to me.
My point is if you’re confident that blogging is something you’ll never give up on, and can somehow manage the investment right now, then go with the paid option right away, instead of waiting for a year or so.
It will hardly cost you around INR3000-INR5000 for a year.
I am not saying this is not a big amount; I know it is. I’ve been in your shoes. All I am saying if you can somehow afford the amount now then you can save yourself some time and money in the future.
And also by opting for a self-hosted blog, you can work on growing it from day 1. Since the free sites lake a lot of the premium features, it becomes very hard to grow your blog on a free platform.
Anyways, you know yourself and your situation better than me or anyone else. So, you make the final call.
For now, I have listed below the top free blogging sites that are available in India. Go ahead and pick the one that best suits your needs.
6 Best Blogging Sites in India [FREE]:
- [Not Available anymore]
Let’s dive in and understand how you can make your own blog on each platform.
How to Use Blogger to Start a Blog for FREE:
My no.1 recommendation is It is one of the best blogging sites in India. It is a free blogging platform introduced by Google. It is good for any niche. You just need to signup for an account and you’re good to go.
The other best thing about Blogger is – you can work on building your brand from day 1.
Blogger has an inbuilt feature, using which you can connect a custom domain to your blog without having to buy a hosting plan.
Meaning, you buy a domain name now and host it on
Promote your blog’s custom URL and in the future when you decide to move to a paid platform you can simply host the same custom domain on the new site and your users won’t have to do anything to find your new blog, hence you won’t lose your brand recognition.
let me simplify it…
When you signup at, by default you get a URL (something like
Let’s say, instead of using the default URL, you bought a domain name (custom URL) called and you hosted it on You wrote a few articles and shared them with your followers on Facebook, Instagram or anywhere else on the web.
Now, when people try to find your blog, they won’t use or see the default URL (, instead, they will remember and use the custom URL ( that you just bought and hosted.
This way, in the future, when you move to a paid platform, and your new blog is ready to go public, you can simply remove the custom domain from your blog and host it on the new blogging platform.
Now, when your readers go to, it will take them to the new blog instead of your old blog. Which means you won’t lose any of the hard build audiences.
How to use Blogger to set up a free blog:
- Go to
- Click “Create Your Blog”
- Sign up with your Gmail ID.
- “Confirm Your Profile” and “Continue to Blogger”
- Click on “Create New Blog”
- Give your blog a name and pick a sub-domain and a theme you like
- Once all filled up, click on “Create blog!”
- Google will ask if you like to buy a custom domain, you can skip it by clicking “no thanks”
- Create your first post, publish it.
That’s it!
So, if you want your blog to have a unique domain name instead of the, and not ready to invest in a hosting plan right now, then just go buy a domain name from, or anywhere you like and host it on for FREE.
If you buy from I will get a small commission as I am part of their affiliate program. But if you’re a first time customer, I would recommend you get a domain name from (I am not an affiliate there) and you can get one for as low as Rs.350/-.
Anyways, follow the steps below to host your blog on a custom domain for FREE.
How to use Blogger with a custom domain?
Step 1: Log in to
Step 2: Go to Settings
Step 3: Navigate to Publishing (Blog Address)
Step 4: Click on “Set up a third-party URL for your blog”
Step 5: Inside “Third-party domain settings” enter your domain name and click “Save”.
Step 6: Now blogger will ask you to add two CNAME records on your domain registrar’s website to verify the domain; Copy them.
Step 7: Log in to your domain registrar’s website on a different tab and locate the DNS settings of your domain.
Step 8: Inside, you’ll see a button that says, “ADD” or “Add Records”. Click it and select the Type as “CNAME” and add the details (both) accordingly and click on Save (refer to the image below if you’re on Godaddy).
Step 9: Head back to and click on Save.
Voila! that’s it.. your blog is all set.
If you don’t want to go with blogger (or the Google blog) you can use any of the other free options that I have shared below:
How to Create a Blog on WordPress for FREE:
Just like, is also another awesome blogging platform in India to start a free site.
It is a product by a company name Automattic, the same company behind some more cool tools like, Jetpack or Gravatar; there’s a few more I am not taking the names here. is more famous than the free version
Just like, you need to sign up for a free account on and start blogging right away.
Here are the steps to start a free WordPress blog:
Step 1. Go to
Step 2. Click on “Get Started”
Step 3. Pick a unique username and then select the first option that says “Free”
WordPress also has a custom domain mapping option, but unlike Blogger, you will have to pay for the hosting.
So, if you’re planning to have a custom domain then go with or (which we will be talking about next)
Moving on…
Step 4. WordPress will ask you to pick a paid package, don’t fall for that, instead, scroll down and click on “Start with Free”
Step 5. Sign up with your Gmail id and click “Continue”
Step 6. You’re almost ready to blog. Just confirm your email ID and customize the site as per your liking.
Step 7. Start publishing content on your new blog and start blogging.
How to Create a Blog on Tumblr for FREE:
Tumblr is founded by David Karp in February 2007. It is available in 18 languages.
Tumblr is more of a social media site then a blogging platform. That being said, Tumblr is perfect for microblogging. In other words, it is for those who like to create short-form of content.
For example; it is best for you if you like to share photos, small videos, write poems, small stories, quotes or anything that doesn’t take much time to consume.
So, if you think it’s the perfect match, then let’s learn how you can get started with it.
Here are the steps to start a free blog on Tumblr:
- Go to
- Click on “Get Started”
- Sign up with your Gmail id and create a username for your blog (you can change it later)
- Enter your age, agree to the “Terms of Service” by checking the box and click “Next”.
- Verify yourself as human by using the captcha, and click “Almost Done”
- Pick at least 5 interesting topics you would like to follow and click “Next”.
- Verify your email id, customize the look and feel and start posting.
Like I mentioned above, Tumblr also has an option to map a custom domain to your blog.
This is how to do it? (Godaddy is my domain registrar)
How to set up a custom domain on
In case the video is not showing, here is the direct youtube link:
How to Start a Blog on Medium for FREE: is a community of bloggers. Although, some of the bloggers I follow use it as their secondary blog.
Medium is a very good choice for a newbie as you don’t need to worry much about customizing anything; you just need to sign up and start blogging.
Moreover, gives you the opportunity to connect with other bloggers and your readers. As it also works so much like a social media platform you can quickly create a good readership.
So, just clap, share, comment and connect with the people that matter. And once you have a good readership you can start a self-hosted blog and redirect your audience to your main blog (that’s what most of the pro bloggers do).
Okay! let’s show you how you can get started with
Steps to start a free blog on Medium:
- Head over to
- Find the “Get started” button at the top
- You have two options to join medium, either with your Facebook account or your Gmail account. Use whatever works for you.
- Next, Dive in and pick all the topics that you would like to show up on your page.
- Once your page is set, go to your profile and write a short bio.
- Click on your picture at the right top, select “New story” and start writing your first blog.
How to Start a Blog on Linkedin:
If you have ever looked for a job, you probably have heard or used Linkedin. BTW, Linkedin is not a job portal.
Although, it connects the people who are looking for a job and the people who are looking for someone to fill a vacancy, so, I guess, it does function as a job portal at some point.
Linkedin is a platform that brings together people from all professions. You can connect with the people working in your field or literally with anyone from any field of work in the world. It’s social media for professionals.
Even though Linkedin has a blog writing feature, it is still not an ideal place to start just any blog. It is best for an authority blogger.
So, if you’re someone who likes to write about his field of work and doesn’t care about having a blog of his own, instead, someone who cares about reaching the right people who would want to know his point of view on a particular niche or field of work.
The Linkedin blogging platform is not a place to start a fashion blog or a travel blog, it is a place to blog about your professional expertise; like, marketing, finance, business, investments, or whatever the skills you have.
Linkedin is a perfect place to showcase your professional skills, and to create a professional portfolio.
Think LinkedIn is for you? then here is how to start…
Steps to start blogging on Linkedin:
1. Go to and sign up.
Once you’re done with your profile and logged in, go to your home page; if you already have an account you can directly go here as well.
2. On your home page, below the Start a post button you’ll see a link that says “Write an article on LinkedIn”. Click the link and it will take you to a new page, opened on a new tab.
3. In the new tab, the in Publishing editor will open up. The first thing you can do here is adding a featured image to your article. Click the icon with two dummy images and a plus sign in between (refer to the screenshot below), and select the image from your system and upload it.
Once the image is uploaded, hover over the image you’ll see 3 icons appear at the bottom of the image; you can use the first one to stretch the image to fit in full screen or simply hit the middle icon to fit the image as it is, irrespective to its size, And use the third icon to delete the image that you’ve uploaded.
Below the icons, you can see a box that says “Add credit and caption“. If you’ve taken the image from google or anywhere else and if you’re not 100% sure it is free, then you can use this option to credit the actual owner of the image or the source where you found it.
And also you can use this space to briefly describe the image if you like.
4. Here on it’s straight forward. Use the Headline box to give a catchy title to your article. And use the content box below to add your content (text, image, video, links, etc.)
You can use the text format bar at the top to format your content. And once you’re done writing your article just hit the Publish at the top-right or you can use the Draft button next to it to save your unfinished article to rework later.
How to Start a Blog on Quora for FREE:
No longer Available – Quora removed this option
This section is only for your reference. is not exactly a blogging platform; it’s more of a platform where people come either to ask questions or to answer questions.
Quora has a huge number of user base and since it does have an option to start a blog, so it automatically becomes one of the best blogging platforms in India or anywhere on the surface.
Instead of answering what is being asked, you can just pour out your heart just the way you like, whoever needs it, they will come crawling in. No obligations at all. 😉
Quora says “We want to connect the people who have the knowledge to the people who need it.”
This is exactly what blogging is all about; coming out of the shell and sharing your knowledge and experiences with the people who would benefit from it.
So, if you feel anything like Quora does then it might be the perfect place to start your blog. And compared to the other platforms above, getting noticed on Quora is very easy. You just need to sit down and give insightful answers to the questions being asked.
Already feeling for Quora? then get onto it. 🙂
Steps to start a free blog on Quora:
- Go to
- Sign up with your Facebook, Google plus or by simply using your email id
- Pick a few interests, which you’d like to read about.
- Pick a few interests, which you’d like to write about.
- Select your languages; by default, Quora is in English but you can pick other regional languages that are available.
- Next, Quora will ask if you’d like to connect your account to Facebook so that you can find your FB friends that are also in Quora. If you don’t want to connect just click “Not now”.
- Once your profile is ready, confirm your email id and now you can create your blog. Just follow the screenshots below:
That’s it! you now have all the information you needed to make your free blog on any of the platforms we have discussed today. So just go ahead and start your blog already.
Just pick the one suite your need and follow the steps above; you’re good to go.
Best Blogging Site in India – FREE
If you’re still not sure which one Blogging Platform India to pick from then pick
It is the best of all the free options we have discussed above.
Here are the reasons why:
- It’s free
- A Google product
- You can use with a custom domain
- Beginner-friendly
- Perfect for any niche
Once more advantage you have with Blogger; if you have a well-maintained Blogger blog, it’s easy to get approval for Adsense compared to the other platforms.
Over to You:
Check out each platform and decide which one will work best for you. In fact, if you like, sign up for all of them, that’s even better.
You can buy a domain name and map it to your Blogger or Tumblr blog and make it your primary blog and signup for the other platforms as well and make them your secondary blogs.
This way you can reach more people and the best part is you don’t need to create separate content for these other blogs.
First, publish your content on your primary blog and then copy that same content and publish it on the other platforms as well.
Just leave a link back to your main content page on your primary blog for the search engines to decide its original source. It’s totally legal.
I hope I have helped you to figure out the best blogging site to get started.
P.S. If you’ve stuck till here, and if I have done my part well then please share this post to your network on Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere you hang out. It would be a great help on your part.
Okay! I am always here to help you out, so if you have any queries leave it in the comments and I will surely get back to you.
Happy Blogging

Jeet is the lead writer at, specializing in digital marketing, SEO strategies, and content creation. With over 4+ years of experience in the blogging and digital marketing industry, Jeet holds a Master’s degree in Marketing and is certified in Google Analytics and SEO. He has helped numerous businesses enhance their online presence and drive significant traffic to their websites. Connect with Jeet on Facebook at @bloggingventure for the latest insights and updates.